Cervical Spondylosis

Ayurveda can treat spondylitis in safe and simpler way. There are three principles for the Spondylitis treatment in kerala Ayurveda:

  • Reduction of the inflammation in tissues – Panchakarma treatments
  • Increasing blood circulation in that area – External application like massages
  • Correction of the calcium metabolism – Internal medication Severe and chronic cases of Spondylitis require Panchakarma treatments, but in acute and fresh cases only medicines too work well.

GreevaVasthi - A circular receptacle made out of black gram dough is fixed on the back of neck (cervical area). Lukewarm medicated oil is slowly poured in to it. The oil in the receptacle is kept warm by transferring the oil gently heated in a water bath throughout the procedure for 45 to 60 minutes. Indication -For pain, stiffness, degenerative changes (osteoarthritis), spondylosis and cervical spine injuries.

NavaraKizhi: This is one of the specialized treatments for cervical spondylosis. Medicated rice, vata normalizing herbs processed with jaggery are made into a bolus. After gentle application of warm oil, this bolus is applied on the affected part for 30-45 minutes without pressure.